Better YouTube Titles

Your video title is the heart of your video. It gives viewers a heads-up on what they’re going to see. It serves to catch their attention. As a result, Your titles need to be attractive, enticing and should make viewers click your video eagerly. So, here’s how you can craft mind-blowing titles for your videos!


According to research, using brackets in your titles increases your video’s click-through rate. Using brackets in your titles emphasizes the video’s purpose. So, use brackets in your video titles to accentuate your content.

Better YouTube Titles


Identify which keywords are gaining traction and use them in your titles. These should be keywords relevant to your video content. You can do this by using YouTube’s “autocomplete” feature, Analytics, or other keyword research tools. Use these keywords and phrases that attract the most viewers in your titles. For example, if you’re making a painting video, search for keywords related to that content.

Better YouTube Titles


Viewers need content that is both relevant and up to date. By including the current year in your video titles, your video instantly stands out. You can also combine the keyword and the current year to increase the clickthrough rate. This boosts your video’s ranking as well.



Spice up your titles to entice viewers using appropriate words. Your word choice impacts viewers’ reactions. For example, the titles “Movies That Crushed Me” and “Movies That Made Me Weep” will gain more traction compared to “Movies that made me sad”. You can also use adjectives like “Best” “Ultimate” “Amazing” “Awesome” “Epic,” and so on in your titles to draw more attention.


Write attractive titles that accurately highlight your video content. Your titles should inform viewers about the video’s content. They watch your videos because they are piqued by the title. So, satisfy their curiosity and give them what they want. Don’t trick them into clicking your videos.


Most clickable videos have well-written crisp titles that perfectly describe the video content. So, keep your titles short.

Use necessary keywords instead of long sentences. The reason for this is that the majority of viewers browse YouTube on their phones. Long titles will either be unappealing or only partially visible. The General rule is to use a maximum of 70 characters. You can add other relevant information in your video description.


You can captivate your audience by intentionally using all caps. Write the entire title in all caps to make it stand out and grab viewers’ attention. 

all caps

Or you can use caps to highlight keywords in your title. Viewers usually skim through video titles to find relevant content. Keywords are also very important for SEO. So, capitalize keywords to direct viewers to your videos.



Your video title should use action verbs. For example, viewers will click “Pranking My Friends” over “My Friends Being Pranked” because it begins with an action verb. It contains all of the necessary information to entice a viewer to click without being overly wordy.


Use headline analyzers to analyze whether your titles are engaging or not. While brainstorming, type your video titles into an online headline analyzer like Sharethrough, CapitalizeMyTitle, and CoShecdule. These tools thoroughly examine headlines and determine whether or not they are clickable. Rework your title using the suggestions provided by the analyzer. Continue working until you have a sparkling title you’re satisfied with. 


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