People are getting into the spirit of the holiday season which means they are looking for homely holiday themed content. So without further ado, let us take a look at some of the holiday themed content ideas that will surely attract more views to your videos.

1. DIY gift ideas

Apart from the homeliness DIY handmade gifts possess, they also go easy on your pocket. Everyone is combing through YouTube looking for ideas and tutorials on how to make the perfect handmade gift for their loved ones. This makes DIY gift idea videos one of the most popular types of videos especially in the holiday season.

Check out some amazing DIY crafts on this channel.

2. Reviewing famous gifts 

Not everyone has the time or the crafty skills needed to patiently sit down and make a beautiful DIY gift. For the more occupied and less creative demographic, research and buy the gifts that are trending in the market and give honest reviews about the same. Cover features like cost, durability, for whom it will be most suitable, etc. 

You can also indulge in paid partnership with brands looking for YouTubers to endorse their products. 

Get an idea on how to make a gift reviewing video

3. Easy homemade snacks for parties

Who doesn’t enjoy the homemade treats at a holiday party? But let’s be honest, most of us don’t know how to make an omelette, let alone prepare a bunch of snacks for holiday parties. For this section of viewers, make videos on how to make party snacks even if you haven’t cooked  a day in your life. Make the recipes concise and easy to comprehend. 

You can find a variety of homemade snack recipes on this channel.

4. Tips on avoiding overspending during holidays 

It’s the season of Christmas bells and end of year sales. Everyone’s generous side comes to surface in the holiday season. While it is the best time for Tiffany and Archie’s, it will be heavy on the pocket. Prepare a video on how to avoid overspending during the holiday season. Share your own personal monologues and tips and tricks that helped you avoid overspending. This will not only make the audience relate to you, but also build credibility for your channel altogether.

Learn how to make an informative video about personal financing through this channel.

5. Travel vlogs

All of us can unanimously agree that there’s nothing more wholesome than the look on your family’s face when you visit them after a long time. To spread this joy, make travel vlogs of yourself visiting your family in the holiday season. Capture your journey, their reaction, highlights of the vacation etc. 

Familiarise yourself with travel vlogging through this channel.

All the viewers are looking for gift ideas, homemade recipes etc during the holiday season. By creating holiday themed content, your channel is bound to attract more views.

Interested in getting your YouTube channel seen by your relevant audience? Get started here:

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