Thumbnail Test & Compare

Creators need to watch out for YouTube’s Thumbnail Test & Compare Feature in 2024! This feature is bound to transform content creation for YouTubers in the new year! Here’s everything you need to know:

  • What Is The Test & Compare Feature?

This thumbnail testing feature is exactly what it sounds like. Creators can now upload up to 3 thumbnail options for a video to test and compare them, finally being able to pick one that’ll work the best! 

This feature will soon be available to all creators in 2024 (desktop version) and can be used to pick the perfect thumbnail for long videos, podcasts, and livestreams.

  • Why Is This A Huge Deal?

It is tough to stand out in the YouTube crowd and constantly grab viewers’ attention. Thumbnails play a massive role in this game, helping you gain more clicks, more views, and eventually grow your channel. This feature knows how important thumbnails are in driving audience interest in today’s competitive scene. And thus it will be a game changer for your channel!

Moreover, YouTubers often need to opt for external third-party tools to enhance their content. However, YouTube is on its way to making the platform a one-stop shop for you and making it as cost-friendly and effective as possible! So the best news of all? This thumbnail-testing feature is absolutely free!

  • How Does It Work?

Using A/B or split testing, this new feature allows creators to upload two to three different thumbnails for a single video! These thumbnails are then exposed to different segments of your audience, allowing you to compare how each performs. 

This tool will work its magic by studying how effective each thumbnail is in terms of engaging viewers and boosting video performance through ‘watch-time share’. This means that different viewers will be exposed to different thumbnails and the one that has the most watch-time will show the highest percentage. 

This testing might take a few hours to a day, but the benefits are worth the wait. This will significantly enhance the long-term appeal of your thumbnails, extending their shelf-life well into the future.

Think of this as asking your friends which outfit looks better on you – but for your video thumbnails! It helps you figure out which thumbnail pulls in the crowd and makes your video shine!

  • Where To Find It?

While uploading your video, look for the ‘Video Details’ tab, and head over to the thumbnail section. Click on the three-dotted ‘Options’ icon while selecting a thumbnail and under ‘Upload file,’ you will see ‘Test & Compare’.

Thumbnail Test & Compare
Image Credit: YouTube @Creator Inside

Once you’re in, the fun begins! You can upload either two or three thumbnails from your desktop and see which one steals the show!

Image Credit: YouTube @Creator Inside

However, if you’re still not entirely satisfied or think there’s room for improvement, there’s an option for a ‘New Test’. This will allow you to compare the best with some tweaked versions, just to make sure your thumbnail is as eye-catching as it can be!

Thumbnail Test & Compare
Image Credit: YouTube @Creator Inside
  • How To Effectively Use This Feature?

Now that you have this fantastic feature at your fingertips, don’t get stuck in the over-testing trap! Constantly changing your thumbnail to find the perfect one can do more harm than good. When viewers keep seeing new thumbnails, it might throw them off, negatively impacting your video’s performance. 

Moreover, you might not always have the time to roll out three different thumbnails. So, you don’t need to churn out completely new thumbnails. Sometimes, minor tweaks can work wonders! 

Subtle changes in font styles, colours, or even background details can give your thumbnail a fresh look without requiring a complete overhaul. Thus, you need to find that sweet spot between experimenting and maintaining a consistent visual identity for your channel!

YARN | Let's probe. But keep it subtle, so she doesn't notice. | Inside Out  (2015) | Video gifs by quotes | f63be937 | 紗

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