Customisation makes your YouTube channel more personal and helps you stand out among a sea of creators on the platform. We’re here to help you project your unique personality onto your channel.

To get started on customising your channel, sign into YouTube Studio and select customisation from the left menu bar.

1) Add a trailer
If viewers happen to stumble upon your channel during a random YouTube binge, they are sure to want more information about your channel specifically before hitting the subscribe button. Your trailer should explain why viewers must subscribe to you, what your channel has to offer, and what to expect that’s coming up. A short 30 seconds to 1 min video should do the trick!

If you don’t plan on making a trailer, you can simply upload the most popular video from your channel!

2) Work with YouTube’s feature section
YouTube’s feature section can help you highlight your channel’s uniqueness quickly and precisely. This section is where you can find your recent uploads, live streams, popular uploads, etc. and add various playlists and video collections.

Some points to keep in mind while tinkering with the feature section are:
– A maximum of 10 sections are allowed, so create as many to ensure your viewers understand your channel well.
– The playlist should make your videos look great, so viewers are more attracted to your channel.
– A “recent uploads” playlist will help viewers understand that the channel is active and posting!
– And lastly, add some text to your featured sections so it sets a preamble for what one can expect.

3) Insert a watermark
This is about as personal as it gets! Adding a watermark is a great way to showcase your branding in every single video you post. Your watermark will appear in a small square box at the bottom of your video. You can customise how long the watermark will stay and when it will appear during your video.

4) Throw in links
You have a limited number of 5 links to add to your YouTube banner so use these wisely to draw attention to your various other profiles on other platforms! This could be anything from your website to a store or even just your social media accounts.

With just these simple tips, your YouTube channel will be more YOU and you can build a great brand and identity. Keep in mind, you will need to be super clear on your channel niche and the kind of viewers you wish to target. With this vision in mind, you will be ready to create a stunning and customised channel that is sure to attract viewers.

Interested in getting your YouTube channel seen by a huge audience? Get started here:

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