Looking to launch an exciting new video? YouTube Premieres is a great feature to help you create a buzz around your video and boost views pre-launch. With Premieres, you can bring together viewers to watch your latest videos in real-time, just like a launch night. 

1. How To Set Up Premieres

You can create a Premiere pretty much the same way you upload any video. Hit the upload button > select the video you want to upload > while the video is being uploaded, head over to the “visibility” tab > instead of publishing the video immediately, you need to choose the “schedule” option > set the time and date you want > make sure you check the “set as Premiere” box.

Now you should see a shareable watch page pop up with a chat window. You can use this watch page to engage with your community and post updates on the chat window to promote your Premiere. Your video will also have a “Premiere” badge and highlights when the video is scheduled to launch. 

2. Use the chat window to connect with viewers before and after the premiere

Engage with viewers in the chat window and keep the buzz going! Let your fans know that you’re going to be watching the video with them. For example, you can make an announcement saying “Thank you for joining in, I’m thrilled to watch the premiere with you. I can’t wait to share what’s in store!”. As you’re the creator, your chat will be pinned right at the top of your chat window, so your fans can’t miss it.  

Do note, you can turn on the Super Chat feature for monetization and donations if you’re eligible. 

3. Get viewers to click the “set reminder” option on the premiere watch page

3 notifications go out to subscribers who have opted in for the reminders:

  • Subscribers receive a reminder to tune in 30 minutes before your premiere begins
  • Subscribers get a second notification when the premiere is about to go live and a 2-minute countdown appears. This is when your premiere will reappear on your subscriber’s feeds.
  • Once the countdown ends, your viewers can watch your exciting launch video together with you!

4. Plan a detailed premiere strategy

According to YouTube Creator Academy, the best time to upload a premiere is between 60 minutes and 3 hours before the release. Take out time to plan an effective premiere strategy that factors in how often you want to release a premiere. Also, consider which of your videos would give you the best results if they were promoted as a premiere video. You don’t want all your videos to be premieres since you may lose out on its value if you overdo it.

Make sure you space out your premieres. If you publish videos daily, you can schedule a premiere once a week. Analyse important metrics like audience demand and existing hype around a topic while choosing a video to premiere. 

5. Cross-promote your premiere and add value

While you wait with your subscribers for your premiere to launch, you can share your Premieres watch page url on your YouTube community tab and social media handles. Give viewers a motive to tune in to your premiere.

Announce when and where your premiere will launch, and what activities can look forward to on the Premieres watch page before the video goes live. Some YouTubers give shoutouts to fans, directly respond to viewer comments, organise fun games, trivia, jokes or other fun activities on their Premieres page. 

6. Wrap up your premiere with a bang

Once a premiere is over, doesn’t mean the fun ends there. Premieres is a great place to continue the conversation and get audience feedback in real-time. You can also redirect your viewers to join you in a virtual after-party or a post-show VOD.

YouTube Premieres opens up a whole new way for creators to experiment with video promotions. You don’t want viewers to watch your video and forget about it the next day. If you’re looking to create a sustained hype around a video and be the talk of the town for days, YouTube Premieres will surely tickle your fancy. 

Interested in getting your YouTube channel seen by a huge audience? Get started here: www.flintzy.com

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